Diesel Mechanic Schools In Oklahoma - Diesel Mechanic Guide

Diesel Mechanic Schools In Oklahoma

From trucking supplies over land to shipping goods across the water, diesel-powered vehicles successfully keep America’s infrastructure running by providing the necessary supplies to retailers across the nation.

Because of the essentiality of diesel vehicles, individuals who are contemplating a new career as a diesel mechanic can look forward to various career opportunities as well as a stable work environment.

In order to ascertain a higher paying position, aspiring diesel mechanics in Oklahoma need to first earn a degree or certificate in diesel technology.

Edu. Prerequisites

Diesel MechanicAs with most colleges in America, diesel technology schools in Oklahoma require potential students to complete the required educational prerequisites before they are accepted into a diesel mechanic program.

In addition to earning a high school diploma or GED, many colleges hold strict enrollment requirements for eligibility, including the completion of four years of English and two years of science and math.

Edu. Requirements

Becoming a diesel mechanic in Oklahoma can be a rewarding career option, and individuals can enter this field by earning a special certificate from their place of employment or a degree at an accredited college.

Many companies in the mechanic industry hold specialized courses and programs that new hires can complete in order to become professional diesel mechanics. On-the-job training can take up to three years to complete, depending on the company and training regime.

Some mechanic corporations hire individuals who already have several years of expertise in diesel technology, but with the continuing advancement of diesel technology, more and more companies now prefer to hire diesel mechanics who have taken the extra steps to ascertain a specialized degree in this field.

Associate of Science in Diesel Technology

Individuals who wish to obtain a higher paying position at a diesel mechanic company in Oklahoma can earn their Associate of Science in Diesel Technology at an accredited technical, vocational, or community college.

Individuals should enroll in a diesel technology program that has been accredited through a governing organization, such as the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF). This will prepare them for certifying in a specialized sector of the industry upon graduation. An associate’s degree takes a minimum of two years to complete, depending on if the student wishes to take year-round or winter courses.

Certified instructors train students in the proper repair and maintenance techniques for diesel-powered vehicles, teaching students in a garage or lab setting.

Classroom instruction may include subjects like:

  • Fuel systems
  • AC systems
  • Hydraulics
  • Power transmissions
  • Diesel engine technology
  • Electrical systems
  • Heavy duty brakes

Bachelor of Science in Diesel Technology Management

For those who wish to ascertain a managerial or administrative position at a diesel mechanic company, earning a Bachelor of Science in Diesel Technology increases their chances of obtaining the desired position, making them more marketable to potential employers.

A bachelor’s degree takes a minimum of four years to complete, requiring students to complete a variety of courses to prepare them for the management of other diesel mechanics.

Certified instructors teach students the core fundamentals of diesel techniques and methodologies, covering the diagnosis, repair, and maintenance of diesel-powered vehicles.

Also set in a garage or lab environment, coursework may include:

  • AC systems
  • Diesel engine labs
  • Diesel fuel systems
  • Diesel garage management
  • Pneumatics and hydraulics
  • Welding theory
  • Heavy duty automatics
  • Diesel electrical systems

Certification in Oklahoma – The most popular choice.

Although Oklahoma law does not require diesel mechanics to ascertain a license to work legally in the state, diesel mechanics who wish to specialize in a certain sector of this industry should earn special certification in diesel technology.

Certifying not only increase one’s chances of getting hired on by a higher-paying company but also opens up new career options in a particular field of expertise. Diesel mechanics can earn their certification by taking an exam offered by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE).

Individuals can choose between several different exams, certifying them in:

  • Electrical systems
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Steering systems

Career Outlook

Earning a degree or certificate in diesel technology allows diesel mechanics to find a stable career in Oklahoma’s growing mechanic industry.

A recent study released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the career outlook for diesel mechanics is expected to grow by 15 percent by the year 2020, providing 35,200 more employment opportunities for diesel mechanics across the nation.

Statistics show that Oklahoma has approximately 3,810 diesel mechanic employed in the state. The BLS reports that the annual mean wage for diesel mechanics is $37,370, with the lowest 10 percent making $23,850 and the highest 10 percent making $54,610.

Depending on their educational training, previous experience, special certification, and company location, diesel mechanics can increase their chances of finding employment in a specific sector of the mechanic industry.

With the proper training, diesel mechanics can ascertain a position in one of America’s top-paying industries, such as:

  • Water Transportation – 60 employed – $79,250 average annual wage
  • Federal Executive Branch (OES Designation) – 60 employed – $68,800 average annual wage
  • Courier and Express Delivery Services – 5,030 employed – $59,740 average annual wage
  • Electrical Power Generation, Distribution, and Transmission – 1,880 employed – $59,450 average annual wage
  • Scientific Research and Development – 60 employed – $59,310 average annual wage

Whether the available position is at a local garage or at a nationwide railway, starting a new career as a diesel mechanic can open various employment opportunities and provide a stable job environment in Oklahoma.

By earning a degree in diesel technology and completing a specialized certification, diesel mechanics increase their chances of ascertaining a higher-paying position at companies that need professional diesel mechanics to effectively maintain diesel-powered vehicles.

Diesel Mechanic Training In Oklahoma